A picture of me. EGAD, never thought I'd post one on my blog, but I like seeing other people on their blogs so here I am. And, of course I had to take it in my laundry room, standing on a laundry basket with flourescent lighting so I'd have excuses for how I look! But, folks, that's where I spend my time so I guess that's really me. Bad lighting, weird hair day, and all.
This post though is because of the scarf. I made it yesterday and it matched my sweater I put on today, so I'm wearing it.
Scarf details. (For the record, my 18 y/o asked me if I'd make her one!) I used strips of fabric and yarn. Of course mine is all thrifted and vintage which makes me
very happy! I just love to use a little of this and a little of that in a project.

I sewed 1" strips of fabric together wrong sides together. I let the edges stay raw because I like that look. I know that would grate on many people. If you're one of them,
sorry. The ric rac is very old and so pretty. As is the black lingerie lace; old and beautiful. The black yarn I crocheted into a cord as I did with two shades of gray yarn and string together. Then I pinned them the way I liked to "wash away" stabilizer and sewed across with clear nylon thread in my machine and a light gold in my bobbin. I anchored about every 3-5".
I'm not sure the stabilzer was necessary; you could just feed each piece into the machine as you sewed. I washed away the stabilizer, let it air dry and then pressed it all back into shape. **If you make one and use the wash away stabilizer then think about what you put into it because a mish mash of fiber will react differently to the water when you wash it. I was nervous for a bit because the yarn all stretched out. But, after it dried and I ironed it, it's back to where I started.
I've been thinking about this for awhile but HuggyBear from
Junk Revolution posted about
this web site and that got me moving and gave me the idea to use the wash away stabilizer.
I practiced making a couple of bookmarks using the technique as described in the
web site Favcrafts and I love how they turned out. But, because I used ric rac and fabric, it made my piece more "fabric like" and less scarf-like. They only used yarns and fibers in their scarf. That's why I decided to only anchor it ever 3-5" so it would stay softer and lay nice like a scarf. And, it did.