Ok, I told you yesterday that I needed help--ideas for these items. What to do with them????

First off--bed springs--these things are great. Honestly, I'd be ok just to have a few set on shelves because I like the shape and the rust.

I do have a lot of them and there's more at my Mom's.
(She's laughing at me now I'm sure.Would you believe that I have moved these long boards around in my storage room for 10 years or so?!

Do you know what they are? Quilt frames--the Lutheran Church Ladies kind of "put the quilt up in the church basement" quilt frames for tieing or hand quilting quilts. One large set and the other for a smaller crib size quilt.

They even have the inches marked off and the fabric strips intact where the quilt was basted on.
I originally bought them thinking I would put quilts up in my basement to learn to hand quilt. Even if I was to pursue that which I no longer see---I would get myself one of the newfangled quilt frames for sure. They take up about a 1/6 of the space and set up in an instant. Yes, even with my love of the old, I would go for ease and convenience. I also bought them because no one wanted them and I wanted to save the history of them. If even I wouldn't use them, very few people will. So, my question-- what can I do with them to preserve them just a bit? Build a frame? If so, what to put in it?
And lastly, zinc lids. I have a lot of these too. More than in the picture. They all have a great milk glass center.
Maybe a sculpture?
I call it "Inch Worm".
Well---I told you I needed help.