Junkin' Monday

Ok, it's not junk but I aquired it this weekend and I'm so excited about it so this is my Junkin' Monday post. I've been admiring this chair for awhile at an antique store in Columbus. (Not where my booth is) Well I finally decided to go get it. Mainly I finally got my sewing room cleaned up and now have room for it. It's boosting a beautiful rocking chair I had out so I'm taking that over to my booth this week. It fits the room perfectly and is in such great shape. The color is almost an exact match to the other walls in the room.

There are some scratches on the wood trim but just as the picture doesn't show it, I really don't even notice them. Doesn't it look inviting? I wish you all lived closer and you could come sit and have coffee with me while we chatted about vintage finds, junk, and life in general! I'll share pictures of the rest of the room soon before it becomes a disaster again!

Hop on over to Clara and Marcela's blog to see what everyone found this weekend!


  1. H JIll!

    What a fantastic chair!!! Are you getting up at all??? It must be hard because it looks very, very comfy...and in perfect shape!!
    Hope you get the chance to sit often and enjoy your new find!!!!
    Thank you for linking today,
    M & C

  2. Oh my gosh - I love love that chair!!! It looks SO comfortable! AND! I'm envious that you have room for a chair in your sewing room! LOL Lucky you - she's gorgeous!!!

  3. Oh you are so lucky I did not see that chair, I would have scooped it up in a heartbeat! I love it! I think scratches on furniture just means it is so loved it is fought over. Love the wood trim.

    Thanks for your comment on my desk!

  4. It's a very nice chair....love the wood details! And it looks comfy too!

  5. Oh Jill, I love that chair. I can just picture you stiching away comfy as can be in that chair. The fabric reminds me of a couch we had growing up. I wish I lived around the corner, you would surely find me nestled in that chair. I am glad it waited for you.

  6. I also adore your new banner. Did you take the photo?

  7. That is so BEAUTIFUL! And scratches make it all the lovelier!

  8. I did take the photo in my new banner~sharing my love of leaf skeletons!

  9. Love the chair, I would have snapped that sucker up too, Great find!! Janna

  10. Very sweet chair. Don't find many like that one!


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