"Junk"le Bells in February


Here are my newest junk ornaments--I had the prettiest blue vintage necklace.  Now I have ornaments and a small pile of beads.

I've seen vintage silverware used so many ways.  I've done quite a few projects with them too, and now made some into these ornaments.

I've been wanting to learn to stamp onto metal; so I thought this would be a perfect project to get practice.
A project where perfection isn't necessary!

I watched a video on you tube and learned that it's really easy to stamp letters in metal.  It's the darkening of the letters that makes them pop out and look aged.  The woman on the video just used a sharpie to color in the letters, then a very fine grit sandpaper to clean off the excess.

I used fine steel wool and that seemed to work just fine.  I know a sharpie doesn't sound too sophisticated, but you've probably guessed that I'm ok with that!


I'm sorry I don't have the link to the video to give her credit, but it's lost in that abyss of book marks that I'm working on organizing.....


I flattened the spoons and fork first then cut them with our wizard tool, which is like a dremmel, and drilled holes in them with the drill press.  I think you could easily use hand tools to do the same if you wanted.  My jump rings to hold on the beads are just rustic ones I made from baling wire and then flattened.

Remember, you can join up and share your projects on flikr if you don't have a blog!   

Now, go ahead and link up with your "Junk"le Bells project.  I'll leave it open for the week, and I'm looking forward to seeing your projects!

"Junkle" Bells All Year Round Participants

1. kimmykats

2. TreasuresRenewed


  1. wow....this project turned out great...

  2. Very very nice! Love the idea of using the bailing wire for jump rings!

  3. Oh my gosh Jill - those rock!!! I LOVE them!!! The stamped letters are AWESOME!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  4. These would be a fun Christmas gift or even to give as a garden ornament for a friend ... thanks for sharing! Stop by and see me sometime! Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  5. Those are fabulous! Thanks for the Sharpie tip. I bought some metal stamps a few weeks ago and tried them out. I was majorly disappointed with my skills. I'm going to the basement now with my Sharpie! Woohoo!

  6. you rock my world jill.

    and i guess i will hit march junk le bells. this hellish sickness took over my life and i dont have mine contribution edited yet. =)

    i. love. sharpies.

  7. very very very cool! I love these. How talented you are. deb

  8. Wow is all i can say to a very talented lady!

  9. Jill... what unique ornaments... I love them...

    Keep On Junking

  10. These are really great... I want to try some, too. Lezlee

  11. these are lovely! now i want to go buy some silverware and make some ornaments, with stamped letters. i should be commenting on your texture tuesday pic, but i got sidetracked : )


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