I've been thinking, and thinking, and thinking about the "junk tree" itself. I've come up with lots of ways to build one, but none that will work with my ornaments. I decided I needed a fairly traditional tree, but modified. Sunday, at the auction they sold this all apart in a box.
I didn't even see it until they started to sell it. I AM NOT drawn to old artificial trees so wouldn't have noticed it even if I tripped on it! Well, they couldn't get a bid...then the light went on! So, I got it for $.25. I had nothing to lose. I'd try to modify it somehow.
So, I began to cut, and cut, and cut.... this was the small pile I had before I moved inside because those nasty little lace bugs were ruining my "beautiful post auction sitting outside cutting pine needles loving deconstructing time"! It took me almost three hours! UHG! Who'd have thought? I figured about 45 minutes. WRONG. My husband made us frozen corn dogs for dinner so I could keep cutting.
Now, the branches aren't in the correct rows because frankly at this point, I didn't care! But, I have to say, I love my deconstructed tree! The kids think it's rather ugly. I thought it was a little too green though, so yesterday I gave it a hit and miss spraying of brown spray paint.
Here it is toned down with brown paint and the branches needing even more arranging after being tipped over a few times. The branches will wait. I'm not positive I'll use it for my junk ornaments yet. We'll see how it works. I may just put it out "as is" (but with straightened branches!) and a few sparse decorations. My daughter suggested a bird's nest tucked inside. Sounds cute!
Yeah, so I was so excited about my prospective plan with my $.25 tree, when this one came up...up my hand went up too early at $1.00! It's a bit yellowed so won't work as is. Funny, how I like an aged look on just about everything, but, seriously, the yellowing is not appealing. What do you think? Give it a haircut too? I think some serious deconstruction is needed to save this one. Maybe make a wreath out of it...
I did take my shaved tree on a photo shoot and I think it was pretty photogenic~more on that later!
Have a great day!
Edited...If you'd like to see the tree decorated: Click