The Junk Tree

My Junk Tree sits in our foyer.  It will soon be filled with all the presents that we take elsewhere...all the Grandparents' homes for the family gatherings.  We have another tree that we place all our immediate family gifts under.

I've added a few ornaments that I haven't blogged about yet.  These sweet little birds are made from vintage salt bags, feed bags, burlap, and vintage fabrics.

The pattern instructions were to sew them right sides together and turn, but I decided I liked having the seams show so, went that route.  The fact that sewing them this way made them 10 times faster to make had nothing to do with it.!

I put a string in this guys beak as if he's making a nest. The birds are just nestled in without hooks or ties, so after Christmas I can easily place them where ever I want.  I  think a bare branch tree will be kind of neat.  I have about 6 or so and might make a few more.

I made a some little pillow ornaments out of one feed sack that I was particularly fond of the texture.  I just pinned in or glued some rhinestone jewelry that was old, tarnished, and missing stones.  Doesn't matter here!

I  roughly whipped stitched around them with a huge needle and string.

The variety of shapes and textures works.

This was so fun doing this this year!  Thanks to those who linked up!  Be sure to check out their projects!
The best part for me was having the focus for the year.  And, now having so many completed ornaments was just a real treat when it came to decorating.

I'm thinking I need another year long project.  Just not quite sure what it will be.  How about you?  Any big (or small) projects on the horizon for the new year?

I wrapped the lights only around the center pole of the tree.  Since it was trimmed and bare, I didn't want strands of lights showing or in the way.

Up next will be a pretty simple mantle and an another advent calendar.
I hope you are having a blessed Advent!


  1. I absolutely love it. I love the tree, of course. And the placement of lights. And that first bird ornament is my fav. Love it! ~Mindy

  2. It looks wonderful! and all your hard work for the year displayed. I didn't get my extreme tree out this year. With the tour at school, I only got one tree out at home. Merry Christmas! Lezlee

  3. Those ornaments are fantastic! What talent, my friend. Love the tree.

  4. I LOVE your tree....EVERY decoration shared made me SMILE BIG TIME....It really IS a Junk Tree....Just little bits of 'tat'....And what DELICIOUS 'tat' at that....!!

    Enjoy your weekend....!

    Tamarah :o)

  5. I love the burlap ornaments with the vintage bling. Love it!

  6. Jill! I love the tree and the ornaments! The birds are GORGEOUS!!!

    Have I said that I giggle each time I think about the tree? And I soooooooooooooo want to do that...

    ;-D robelyn

  7. Oh sweet - those little birds are a great use for schnibbles of feed sacks!


  8. refresh my memory...where did you get the actual tree...(did you cut up an artificial one??? )
    i LOVE it and of course all the ornies...good girl keeping it going all year....

  9. oh and...nice foyer....looks about as big as my whole first floor !

  10. What a fabulous tree, love those birds and the vintage pin accents. Beautiful.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Christmas bracelet giveaway

  11. I love this tree and your ornaments!

  12. Love your burlap bird and pillow ornaments. They are such wonderful classics. I would love to find a year long project to join for 2011

  13. Your junk-le bell ornament idea inspired a group of us to swap junk ornaments this year. Love your shaved down tree--- I have a smaller once that could use a good clipping... hmmm. Like I have TIME to do it before Christmas!

    Thanks for the inspirations!

  14. I love that tree...tell me where to get it :)
    Good idea on the burlap squares with rhinestone jewelry! So cute.

  15. I love the tassels! Looks like you used glass cabinet door knobs for the top pieces - genius!! And I really like the mixture of fibers too, so so pretty :) diane

  16. Could you let us know where you found that AWESOME tree??:)

    1. I picked up the tree at an auction for 25 cents and deconstructed it. You can read about it here:

  17. I love your idea of the junk tree trimming I would never have thought of giving a tree a hair cut LOL


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