For the Jewelry Maker: (or wannabe jewelry maker, they have kits!) Unkamen Supplies on Etsy...really great people to work with on an order. Two of my favorites they offer are this bracelet and this one.
For those with young children or grandchildren: Made by Joel is a great blog! My girls have played with or colored all of his free printables numerous times. His new book, Made to Play, is also on my wish list.
Did you know?
That okra can be dried for decorative use? It's beautiful!!
Embarrassing story: I stopped at a garage sale a month or so ago and here was a sack of dried okra. I thought it was gorgeous. I asked how much the bag was since it didn't have a price on it. "Oh, it's free." I was told. I thanked her and proceeded to look around. Then she told me her husband said to put it out on the sale because it was the best okra they had ever grown. They wanted to share the seeds. I thanked her again before I left telling her I thought I would use them decoratively. Not until hours later, did I realize my faux pas! Here was a gardener (or gardener's wife) who wanted to share seeds and I took off with all of it. The garage sale was in another town and there was no way I could go back to return it. (time, kids, not even sure which house it was, the sale would have been almost over).
Looking back, she was in no way irritated. She was chatting pleasantly on the phone and with me.
When I see or hear "Free" at a garage sale to me it means "I want this hauled out of here". In my defense, my Mom and three of my kids were waiting in the car for me and I was "power sale-ing" on our way to my sister's house.
So, apparently, I have the seed for the best okra out there. If you want some, I'll send you some seeds. Just email me with your address.
What is really sad is that I don't grow okra and really have no desire to, but next summer I will be planting some... if only for the dried pods!
Do you like okra? Should I try to grow it to eat it? How would I use it? Soup?
So much for "digest". :)