Shabby Chic Spring Bunting

I managed last week to get a bit of spring put up in our home.  I know the mantle here needs a little tweaking to balance it, but more than likely, it's not going to happen.  

We are often off balanced around here anyway, ha!

After making this bunting with my daughter, I sure thought it would be neat to make another one.

And, although, we really don't have "shabby chic" in this room, throwing in a little for some seasonal decor works for me!

As I did here with the lace, I used handitac to put the bunting and flowers on the mantle.  The flowers are just a shabby rolled rosette made with muslin and the hot glue gun.

I think the subtle colors are romantic and soothing.

Just for fun, I made color swatch board.

It's still quite cool here, but at least the sun has been shining off and on and it is officially Spring!!!


  1. Awesome bunting! and Happy Spring!

  2. So shabby pretty. Welcome Spring!

  3. you had me giggling at "off-balanced"... isn't that the way it is SUPPOSED to be?!!!!

    your bunting is beautiful! i'm off to stalk your blog and catch up.

    happy spring!
    :) robelyn

  4. Very spring looking. Hopefully spring will come along and warm everything up!

  5. Your 'string' spring bunting looks really lovely gracing your mantle Jill!

    Balance is a tricky thing I find in every season :)
    Happy Weekend to you and yours

  6. I am catching up on your blog! Such great posts!
    I love your bunting, the colors and texture are perfect.
    and who needs to be balanced?? I love it just the way it is!
    Happy Spring!

  7. Love your simple idea. I have so few springy decorations out. Maybe tomorrow!


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