A Brief Hello

I used to get together with my sisters, sister in law, and Mom for a "baking day", but the numbers are growing and life is changing as so it was just me and my girls this year. (My five girls and two granddaughters.  My son stayed at college to study for finals.)  We got quite a bit accomplished...

especially if you consider pinching and kissing cheeks something to be accomplished!  Oh my. 

I committed myself to make decisions the other night for all the meal planning that needs to be done and sat down at the computer to look for ideas and recipes. Big mistake. Too many choices.  Too much time to make most of them. And, way too much time spent clicking and looking! Today, I'm going back to my cook books with no pictures and no links!!

Some around here seem to think we're all "ready for Christmas" as the common phrase goes.  Oh gosh, they have so much fun playing the Nancy Drew computer games together!

On with the countdown!


  1. You still had a very large crew for your baking :)

  2. I love cookbooks best of all. Lots of memories are spilled on them too :)

  3. With all those beautiful bakers, the cookies have got to be delicious! Especially that precious drooling dumpling!!

  4. You have a great looking family. Happy New Year!


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