Scene and Story

I used to devour the Sunday paper.  I looked forward to it being delivered to our front door. Hearing the thud it made as it hit the porch was so satisfying.  Knowing all that information and entertainment was just waiting beyond the door.

 But, then the thud came later and later and was tainted with the sound of the too fast approaching car on the lane followed by the swishing of gravel as the car pulled away in a rush to move on to the next house.  It was actually dangerous to our neighborhood to continue to get the paper.  So we cancelled our subscription. This was years ago and I had by then stopped following the news and was rarely reading the paper so I didn't miss it much and felt much relief to no longer worry that someone would get hit in the delivery process.  

Now, when our second oldest daughter is home we almost always stop for a newspaper on the way home from Mass.  The little girls have found the comics and my 11 year old discovered the sports section and Husker Football coverage this past fall.  She was amazed!  We heard a WHOA!  one Sunday when she found all the articles about the game!  I had no idea we had been holding out on her, ha!

Two weeks ago after they were grabbing the sections they wanted to look at, my daughter, Bonnie suggested a picture and asked me to take it with her phone.  It was entertaining watching them get posed. Then I grabbed my camera to take a couple of shots also.  She posted it to her Instagram account with the caption: 

The family that reads together, "literate-ly" stays together

This is how we amuse ourselves. :)

Linking up with Paisley Rain Boots and Scene and Story: you can read more about it on her blog.


  1. I love this shot! I grew up in a rural area, the Sunday paper was a big treat. When I was young the funnies section was my favorite, as I got older, the sales ad had more importance. We still get a Sunday paper but I don't rush out to get it anymore, don't need the ads, long lost interest in the funnies, but I do still enjoy the travel and home sections. A sign of aging I guess.

  2. we get the paper fact, two papers...we both love to read it though I don't get to spend as much time on it as I used to...and Sunday was always such a treat with a larger paper to enjoy with Sunday breakfast...but now that I work on Sunday mornings, that routine is lost...I love the picture you glad there are ones of a younger generation enjoying newspapers, I'd hate for them to go away...

  3. Great image! I love the mixing of legs and feet.

  4. This made me smile! We had the paper delivered every day when I was growing up, and I continued the practice myself into my fifties, when the internet began to provide my news and entertainment. The comics and Ann Landers' advice column were my favorite parts of the papers from a very young age. I love the way your girls posed themselves! It's a terrific photo and story.

  5. What a fun shot! We used to love reading the paper on Sunday's also. It's been years and now I'm kind of missing it again.

  6. An amusing photo and interesting to read about the importance of that Sunday newspaper! I used to buy one too, just on Sundays, but now living abroad the Sunday English paper has become so incredibly expensive that I read my news online and treat myself to the Sunday newspaper once a month!

  7. I love it! The story and the picture. I can remember grabbing the newspaper when I was little to get to the comics first. These days we don't get the Sunday paper. But we have birds and need newspaper to line their cage bottoms. So...I occasionally find myself reading weeks old articles while cutting up recycled paper from neighbors. Maybe I should subscribe to the paper again. :)

  8. What a cute shot! We've never taken the paper. I think I'm missing a lot of fun!

  9. I love both the story and the photo! We don't buy newspapers anymore but our older son surprised me the other day when he came home with newspapers in his hand, saying that he read them while going on train. It felt nice... perhaps because of all the memories connected with reading newspapers. :)

  10. This is great! And I love the sepia tone too.


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