Just Shy of 90 Years

My Mom died last week on March 3rd.  It's been a full couple of weeks of visiting her in the hospital, the visitation, the funeral, and spending time with our family. I posted a couple of memories on Instagram here and here. (My Dad died 20 years ago.)

She died almost 40 years to the hour of her mother passing.  About a 4 hour difference.  I was thinking about that time and realized that Mom was younger than I am now when her mother died.  I try often to think about someone's age at different life events and then connect it to my age and how I perceive myself at a particular age and how I perceived them.  Like when my Grandma died, well, my Mom was old too...so I thought.  Apparently, she wasn't.

The above photo is of her Mother's Ring, which I now have. 
Seven children, one died at one day old, one died at 33 years old and the other 5 of us are still here.  This ring represents so much.

My Aunt, mom's only sibling is 95 and is confused most of the time.  But, Tuesday she was brought to the funeral and completely knew what was going on and was sad.  For some reason that meant a lot to me and it was nice to share a hug with her.

Through it all the predominant thought has been Gratitude.  So very much to be grateful for in my parents' lives and in the past two weeks.


  1. I'm sorry to read of your mother's passing. May the God of all comfort be very present as you grieve.

  2. Just thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.

  3. I'm so, so sorry, my friend. I know you are heartbroken and yes, we tend to look back try to place things in order to understand how our loved ones dealt with these same losses. My mother rarely talked about her mother, my grandmother, who I never really knew. Sometimes I wish I had asked more questions.

    Sending love and hugs...wish I could offer more support.

    Jane xxx

  4. So so sorry for your loss. The ring is beautiful and such a treasure.

  5. I'm so sorry, Jill. Yes, the ring is beautiful. My mother had a similar one that I have. My mother died 30 years to the day of her mother's death. Isn't that amazing! I'll be wary of that date on the calendar at each anniversary.... Praying for comfort for you during these days.


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