Just Tuck It Away

If you follow along on Instagram, you know I'm participating in a hashtag project called the 100 day project. The idea is to spend a small amount of time  practicing a skill for 100 days.  It's a long story of how I came to decide on 100 days of human shapes so I won't go into it, but suffice it to say that I want to try to create variations on human shapes or forms.  I'll be happy if I make it for 10 days. (This practice is from yesterday, the seventh.)  Amazed, if I make it for 25 days.  I love the idea, I just have trouble with long commitments. Ha!

Anyway.  Yesterday morning I kept thinking about something I took note of at Mass on Sunday.  I thought that maybe it would be a good challenge to try and make the general shape of the man I noted.  Eventually, I pulled out an old Anthropology catalog I had and began to cut.  

The story: As I looked up during the song while the ushers were walking up the aisle to pick up the offering I saw one of the ushers had folded his palm in two and had stuck it in his back pocket.  I found it a little humorous and could see myself doing the same thing.  I like pockets. 

Then a phrase came to my mind that my daughter, Bonnie, says,  "It's something to put in your back pocket in case you ever need it."  Then another thing came to mind.  I've had conversations with two different people who are teaching confirmation in two different religions.  Both were concerned about the kids' lack of knowledge of scripture and prayers.  I don't know why they are lacking this knowledge, but it makes me sad for them. They won't have the resources when they need it. There's nothing in their back pocket.

We can fill our back pocket with reading Sacred Scripture every day, praying various prayers, and reading good spiritual writings.  Daily, we will need and we can pull comfort, wisdom, and guidance from what we've learned.

It's Holy Week and already there are scriptures that seem new to me. Different aspects of the Passion come to light each year.  Something more to add to my pocket.  Just fold it up and tuck it away, because I know I'll need it. :)


  1. While I don't always post, I always read your blog. This is a wonderful, thoughtful post, Jill.

  2. Jill - Your 100 day project is so fresh and original. We can do this together. I am doing a 100 days of immersion writing. I know there will be days when 15 minutes of writing will seem impossible, but I plan to do it anyway. I love the story that goes with your back pocket creation!


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