Sunflowers That Are Sunny

Oh my.  I am so enjoying the sunflowers this year!  I think I have five different varieties and hopefully will photograph each separately to document and remember them.  I have a dream of a garden journal~even if just utilitarian and not all pretty like I envision. Just so you know, they don't look all that pretty in the garden.  It's full of weeds, but they bloom in spite of that.  Probably why I love them so much.  I posted this same bouquet as a black and white image on Instagram.  Either way, the fowers are really something to enjoy.

By the way, the title of the post?  I really miss reading kids' books to my girls!  The voice of many of those wonderful books is still with me and I enjoy it.

~happy friday~

Eclipse 2017

So, where were you during the total eclipse of 2017?  Nasa had this fun print out with a pin hole to print out so you could photographically mark your location.  We were a little south of where the star is in the path of totality.

The idea was that you could take a photo of the print out and the resulting shadow of the eclipse and the shadow of your state.  I thought this was such a fun idea.

The Nasa web site also had instructions to make an eclipse projector using a pair of cheap reading glasses.  I just happened to have a pair that I don't use since I quit wearing contacts, plus I just happened to have the perfect box to build the projector out of, so I made one for us.

We went to my in laws' home as they lived in the path of totality. We picniced while we waited and watched it evolve.

My daughter wasn't taking any chances with her oldest's eyes!

My youngest granddaughter, had no idea what we were doing, but was ready to hang out with her youngest aunties and smile for me. :)

We saw quite a few planes that were watching it from an even closer vantage point.

And, it began to get darker.  The girls pushed the stroller of my youngest grands around so they wouldn't look up at the sun (or lack there of).

It's getting closer to completion as viewed through the projector.

Very Cool indeed.  This is underexposed to show the ring better.  The sky was not this black.

The view around during our 2 plus minutes of totality. (slightly underexposed yet) It was a little surreal.

It was neat, really neat.  I'm glad we drove the hour and a half to see it.  But, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't go further than that.  It was a special moment of awareness of the space around you and how it "all works" so to speak.  

But, truthfully, if you look around you where you are and pay attention, God gives you those moments anytime and you don't even need special glasses to see them.

Come As You Are

My son, soon to be a mechanical engineer.

He goes back to college today to finish his last semester. It's been so nice having him home for the summer! He is certainly ready though to finish up college and get back to his own space in his apartment.
By the way, engineering students occasionally come across some fun swag as they say.  (note the great t-shirt from a company)


I've have set up some studio lighting in my basement and am really excited to explore this new realm of photography.  As I think about portraiture, I realize that a "come as you are"  approach will be my favorite.  As in "Hey, before you go back out to finish the siding on the barn, will you come sit for a few photos?"  Truly, love this approach and this photo of him.

From One of My Favorite Places

at the farm where i grew up
my grandpa's old house turned shop for my dad
now in full decay
and falling in
i'll keep visiting it
until it's gone

Scene and Story: July

The morning was cold and the bride was nervous.
The groom finished chores and went in to his parents' home to take a bath, and put on his one and only suit.
The pastor was jolly and welcomed the guests to the wedding.


The children came with cries and giggles.
The rains came.
The droughts came.
The children grew and the son came home one morning and took a bath.  Then put on his one and only suit.
The morning was warm and the bride was excited.


The day was cloudy and grey and the husband's heart was heavy.
The grandsons carried the casket out to the cemetery across the dirt road.
The great grandchilden played near the iron gate.
The pastor was peaceful and full of hope.


The afternoon was hot.
The woman with a camera stopped and peaked in the door gasping at what once was.
Children were baptised here.  People were wed here.  Souls were prayed for here.
She didn't let the ruin instill depair but enjoyed the beauty of the decay.
Because she knows the word is alive and still  full of hope.



I've wanted to stop at this abandoned church forever.   A few weeks ago, it finally happened. :) 

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